A Google employee prepares a map for a World Cafe harvest.
Visual Recording workshops help you develop a new creative skill to use at work and home:
- You can offer a Visual Recording workshop that is designed just for your organization:
- I offer a one or two day workshop that teaches the basic skills of Visual Recording that can be directly applied to your work: everyone can learn to take notes in Visual Record form, and we can even teach you to Record the ideas and conversations of others.
- A Visual Recording workshop will highlight the creativity and ingenuity of your co-workers as they learn to Visually Record your next meeting or conversation.
- Bringing Visual Recording skills into your workplace supports the many different learning styles in your company; over %65 percent of people are visual learners, so make sure you're reaching your whole audience at work.
- At the end of the day, each person will have created posters, Visual Records, and icons that can be used right away at work or home.
- After a Visual Recording workshop, you'll think even better as a team, because now you can see your collective ideas all in the same place.
- A Visual Record you created on your office wall is a great way to keep inspired and engaged.
- Create a personalized Visual Record during a workshop that you can give as a individual gift or seasons greetings card.
Students at SCAD University in a Visual Recording workshop.
Employees at Google learning to Visually Record a live conversation.