I met very cool and inspiring young entrepreneur at the Hub SOMA yesterday - turns out that she was in a bit of a fix. She needed to make a sold pitch to potential investors as she networked like mad at SOCAP10 - and she need to memorize the pitch by the next day. Visual Thinking to the rescue! I offered to talk with her for a few minutes, drawing and listening while she explained what was at the heart of her work. I was able to help by drawing a simple image that conveyed the gist of her business and what it offers. She could show the image as she made her pitch, or she could simply visualize it and feel confident that she wasn't forgetting anything important. I got this lovely email from her the following day:
Hey Mariah,
Just wanted to let you know I have been up since seven wrestling with the various forms of my pitch, and your drawings have been a GODSEND. I am just so impressed at your ability to take my stream of consciousness and turn it into something tangible, clear and right on target, and in a visual format no less! So cool.
Thank you!!
1 comment:
This type of response makes the work so worthwhile!
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